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Is now a good time to be investing in Canadian Real Estate? | |  |

Yes! It is. Investing in Canadian Real Estate must be done by getting proper education in

the form of Strategies, forgivable grants and teaming up with high caliber professionals to

guide you through out. But if you are a sophisticated Canadian Professional Real Estate

Investor with proper Canadian Real Estate education and use proven Canadian strategies,

you can build wealth anytime.

Can I really acquire properties with no money In Canada?

Of course you can! In fact, it is simpler than you can imagine. You don’t need a real

estate license. You don’t need an office. You just need to learn from Canadian Real Estate

experts with a proven record .WorldWealthBuilders have been mentoring Canadians

since 1993.

Is it ethical to get properties from homeowners at huge discounts?

Not only is it ethical, but it is commendable. You being a sophisticated Canadian

Professional Real Estate Investor can help these families by providing assistance to avoid

further damage to credit, emotional trauma and avoid expensive law suit. You see, if a

homeowner is willing to sell cheap it is because they’ve looked at other options and none

of them solve their immediate problem. They need your help. By using creative real

estate strategies you can be their hero. Having a cape never hurts.

What Canadian real estate investing strategies should I be using?

You will learn over 100 Canadian Real Estate Strategies which include:

Let the Government pay your down payment

Let the Canadian Tax man pay your down payment

How to buy Canadian properties at 30-95% below Market Value

Let the Canadian taxman make you a Millionaire

How to obtain Forgivable Canadian Grants for Canadian property owners

The list goes on and on.

You have heard about different ways to do Canadian real estate investing, but have no

idea which one is best. Not to worry, we have developed a strategy that incorporates the

best of the best so you can make money from multiple strategies at the same time.

Can I be a successful in Canadian real estate investor part time?

Absolutely! With the correct approach you can build a profitable, scalable and flexible

Canadian real estate investing business in your spare time. We all start as weekend

warriors and we know plenty of part-timers who use Canadian real estate as a steady

source of Massive and Passive income.

Can I become Wealthy?

You better believe it! More Canadians get wealthy with Canadian real estate investing

than any other money-making strategy out there. However, investing in Canadian real

estate investing is very SIMPLE. Canadians from all walks of life build fortunes in real


Will World Wealth Builders help me?

World Wealth Builders will help you, but only if you are willing to help yourself. For

the first time ever we put our entire Canadian real estate investing business into an

easy-to-use, step-by-step, paint-by-numbers system. We also have assembled a Group

of Canadian Real Estate Investors Group (PREIG) Canada with over 4900 Canadian

Professional Real Estate Investors to network, do joint ventures from coast to coast.

Membership is absolutely free to join at

Can I read testimonials from your past Canadian Real Estate apprentices?

Yes you can. We have hundreds of testimonials from all across Canada.

Are there any testimonials on Video?

Yes. We start doing that not too long ago. You are welcome to watch them.

Why are your Canadian Real estate Apprenticeships different than any other seminars and courses?

At World Wealth Builders, we provide hands on, in the trenches practical apprenticeships

investing in Canadian Real Estate. We bring the Canadian expert icons of Real Estate

apprenticeship. We do real deals during the apprenticeship.

Other may have no experience with Canadian real Estate. They have no Canadian

connections with local laws, banks, support and network.

Your success is our business!

Navtaj Chandhoke |
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Navtaj Chandhoke

Navtaj Chandhoke is a veteran Canadian Real Estate investor, Master Coach/Mentor/Speaker
& Canadian hard money lender . Join now
Canadian REI Club membership
to attend upcoming
No $$ Down Canadian Real Estate Seminar LIVE
in Canada and become next

Canadian Real Estate Apprentice

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