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 Sponsoring a PREIG Canada Meeting in TorontoSponsoring a PREIG Canada Meeting in Toronto

  • Sponsoring a PREIG Canada Meeting in Toronto
  • Real Estate audience to network your products and services to
  • Display table and/or booth for the duration of the meeting
  • Speak directly with PREIG Canada members
  • Mention of your business several times throughout the meeting
  • Opportunity for you to provide a 5-minute infomercial about your business (can include a 3 slide power point presentation)


  • learn about other Canadian real estate deals, products and/or services
  • network with Real Estate professionals

APPLICATION for Sponsoring a PREIG Canada Meeting in Toronto

Prospective Sponsors must apply to the Executive via the Vice-President at and include:

  • name of your company
  • product and/or service offered
  • length of time in business
  • a summary of your real-estate related experience
  • if offering real estate details, full details of the deals must be provided
  • cost: $1195.00 + HST

All sponsors must be approved by the Executive Committee for Sponsoring a PREIG Canada Meeting in Toronto

Your success is our business!

Navtaj Chandhoke

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